

Skipper is a Wire Hair Fox Terrier. He is on his third home and it is possible he was abused in a previous home. So he needed a little extra love and training.

We started out by slowly introducing him to the family and pack. We worked through some anxieties and helped him feel more comfortable with us we before we really started training, but during that time we reinforced his “place” command. His place was his bed, somewhere he felt safe and would not be bothered by other dogs.

Once we had a well established place command we moved on to sit second, down third, stay fourth, come fifth. We used a clicker to mark the desired behavior and then followed that with a treat. After a training session Skipper would get a secondary reward, play time with his squeaky ball!

Every dog needs different amounts of time for training to sink in. Skipper was able to stay with us for two weeks before going back home with all the tools he needed for his owners to continue training. We are looking forward to having Skipper back with us soon for more advanced training!

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