
Little Miss Coco is a mini schnauzer/mini poodle mix, aka a schnoodle. She came to us for a beginner puppy board and train session.

She knows her name and would start to come when you called but when you bent down to pick her up she would dodge and run starting a never ending game of learning bad behavior. We started recall with her on a long lead gently pulling as we called her, picked her up, and then rewarded and praised her. Eventually we were able to work our way up to her still having the lead on but dragging it behind her as she played and then call her. She then graduated to being fully off leash.

We also worked on place, sit, down, and wait. Wait is a great starter to stay. Wait is used for a very short time where the length of Stay varies depending on what the handler wants. We like to use wait for mealtimes and walking through doors.

Coco is back home with her people showing off her new skills.

rachel evans