May 3rd-5th 2019


The TN ASC hosted a rally seminar and trial alongside 5 conformations shows and 2 days of agility.

Lucky, Zeb, and myself drove up for the rally seminar on Friday. It was a day long class with a judge who answered any questions we had about any of the rally signs and then ran us through novice and advanced signs and gave us tips and tricks.

Later that night Nick met us along with Poe, Hilda, and Walter.

Poe was joined by Lucky in the rally ring. There were only two rally trials this weekend and they were judged by the same judge who taught the seminar.

Lucky had an excellent first go at rally. I was a slightly better handler than at our first trial in February and she really benefited from me learning my mistakes on Poe. She ended the weekend with two qualifying scores and a second and fourth place award.

Poe did well too but in his second run Walter tried to join us and we lost a few points trying to get refocused. Despite our distractions Poe still got a qualifying score.

Lucky and Poe only need one more qualifying score each in order to earn their Rally Novice title.


We attempted some conformation this weekend as well. It is not something that Nick is the least bit interested in but is part of the qualifications for a versatility champion, so we decided to try it. I ran Lucky in three of the five shows and she won first place in her class all three times but was not able to move past the winners class.

The great thing we discovered about the conformation shows was their Peewee classes. We entered Walter and Hilda in every show and they had a blast! Hilda is usually pretty reserved and we had only taken her as an opportunity for some socialization but Walter is her favorite human and she did amazing running in circles with him.