
CedarValleys Poe Awakens

Birthday Oct 28, 2017. Blue Merle

Poe was our very first ASCA dog. After doing a lot of research on the different clubs we decided ASCA was the best one for us and for Australian Shepherds since that is their only recognized breed. They also have a tracking number program that we can use for our CKC dogs.

Poe came from a home that was mostly interested in pet quality dogs but still had an interesting enough pedigree that we went for it. So far I (Rachel) have been his only handler and have focused on rally and obedience because i enjoy air conditioning and being indoors. But in helping Nick handle a couple of the dogs getting ready for stock I have found a love for it but I might wait until cooler months to branch out with Poe.

Poe is one qualifying score away from his rally novice title.

rachel evanspoe